Yippin project: Branding + Marketing


Creating a solid ground

Yippin is an app made for users to connect and explore the city. When I entered the project, the brand image was holding down sales and the company. So I took it onto my own hands to re-do the brand storytelling and the design. 


Start with a strong voice

When we knew exactly who the brand was, we could start creating a visual identity for it. We knew we wanted to really hold on to the “exploring” part of the brand, so we really brought home the binoculars theme. 

Loveable pets

Our beloved yippers

We recognized the importance of standing out in a crowded market and addressing various features within our app. To achieve this, we introduced our endearing pets as the face of our brand - serving as both explorers and spokespeople. These charming characters possess charisma, bring a sense of fun, and are virtually impossible to overlook.


I spearheaded the application of the design to our product, overseeing the entire project from inception to completion. This involved providing creative direction to our UX designer through comprehensive briefings and collaborating closely with our development team to implement the design seamlessly. The entire process was truly exhilarating.

let’s work

carmelatorofaria@gmail.com  @carmelatoro

+34 607142808Madrid, SpainDownload CV